He Leaves the 99
I couldn’t accept God based on the evidence that I was aware of. People that did believe in God rejected me and looked down on me for not being able to believe what they did so that pushed me further away. I was the typical atheist that you see around here that wants to argue every point into oblivion and always come on top. I feel I did this as a sort of “fuck you” to the Christians in my life that rejected me when they should have loved me.
Outside of my personal beliefs I was truly a shit person. I always put myself first and didn’t care who I hurt in order to get what I wanted. Then a series of events unfolded in my life that humbled me and changed my life.
It started when I suddenly found myself falling upward in my professional life, always at the right place at the right time and ended up in a job making more money than I ever dreamed I would make. I was on top of the world and then God came with the humbling. When I actually moved and took the job it was completely overwhelming and it drove me to alcoholism. I held on for a little bit but eventually the company went in another direction and I was totally lost. This was rock bottom, I considered but obviously didn’t commit suicide but I would say it was always on the table. Then it happened..
One morning I was expecting severe weather when I started hearing tornado sirens. I went into the bathroom and tuned into the local news live updates. At first I didn’t think much of it but then the weatherman began calling out street names I recognized and showing rotation heading straight for me. I. Was. Terrified. I just knew I was going to die in that moment but I saw that I didn’t really want to, so in that moment I did what I have never done in my life. I prayed and asked God to save me and he did.
It wasn’t like an immediate recognition that it was God at work but the more I thought on the experience the more it was confirmed. I had specifically mocked God with a Christian friend of mine a few years prior saying something to the effect of God can’t hurt me, and he mentioned that God could send a tornado if he wanted to hurt me. Like a fool I went on about how Im not scared of a tornado. So fitting that God took that conversation and humbled me with the exact thing I claimed couldn’t scare me. A few weeks later that friend, who I had sorta lost touch with, randomly reached out to me which was like God really hammering his point home.
So once I believed God to be real I began to search how I could have possibly not seen what was true all along. I started with the gospels.. I was blown away to find out what Jesus was about. I decided to take him literally. He told us to believe in he who sent him, which I certainly do, and to believe his words and we will pass from death and into eternal life. January 12 2020 is the day I died as an atheist and was reborn in the spirit of Christ. I believe I created my own hell and then God saved me through death and welcomed me into his kingdom with open arms.
My life has changed in so many ways and it’s all because of Jesus. When I couldn’t even love myself the good Shepard went out of his way to find his lost sheep and now I know his voice and will follow him and no man can snatch me from his hand.
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